ECS Academic Internship


Students may submit an Academic Internship ApplicationOpens in new window for permission to enroll in the 3-unit academic course, Professional Practice (EGGN 495). 课程注册取决于ECS院长办公室的签字批准.

EGGN 495 does not permit virtual internships.


Step 1: Receive an Internship Offer

Students must receive an offer letter prior to the submission of the academic internship application.

Students who have not received an internship offer may contact the CSUF Career Center Opens in new window for assistance in identifying internship opportunities, developing resumes and cover letters, and strengthening interview techniques.

Step 2: Review the Course Prerequisites

学生应该复习实习和社区参与中心(CICE) ECS Information CardOpens in new window and ECS Academic Internship PolicyPDF File .

  • 必须是工程或计算机科学专业的本科、大三或大四学生, or a Graduate Student in Engineering or Computer Science
  • 学生必须在ECS注册至少两个学期(在校)
  • Must be in Good Academic Standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA for Undergraduate Students, and a minimum 3.0 GPA for Graduate Students

Step 3: Submit an ESC Academic Internship Application

Students should allow 2-3 months to complete the application process; International students should allow an additional 2 weeks for CPT processing. Late applications will not be accepted.

     Application Deadline:

Fall and Spring Semester: Second Friday of the instructional week of the academic semester at 5pm PST

Summer Term: Thursday prior 在太平洋标准时间下午5点开始本学期的第一个教学周

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:                                                                                                

Please complete and submit the online ECS Academic Internship ApplicationOpens in new window .您需要将以下四(4)个文件作为一(1)个PDF文件附加到申请中:

1)Your Internship Offer Letter 

The offer letter must include the following:

  • Student’s First and Last Name
  • Supervisor/Owner signature on Company Letterhead
  • Internship position title
  • Start date and End date of internship (minimum of 120 hours) - 实习时间应在一个学期内. 实习的第一天必须在第一天上课当天或之后, 实习的最后一天应在期末考试周的最后一天或之前.
  • Compensation (e.g. hourly wage)
  • Description of the internship responsibilities
  • Location (Internships outside of the U.S. are not allowed) - 如果实习公司位于南加州以外,学生在南加州居住时远程工作, the internship offer letter must state such an arrangement.

2) 实习和社区参与中心(CICE)批准表格

  • Complete the CICE Approval FormOpens in new window (Please allow 2-4 weeks for the CICE Review)
  • 如果获得批准,您将收到CICE办公室通过电子邮件发送的CICE批准表格(PDF).
  • Important: Leave the signature line blank. (签名线将由ECS院长办公室签署,作为步骤4的一部分.)
  • For additional guidance and information please see the CICE video instructionsOpens in new window . The internship position and company must be registered with CICE. 

3)ECS Department Chair Approval

  • 给你的系主任发电子邮件,要求审查你的实习录取通知书,并获得3个学分的批准.
  • If your Department Chair approves your internship, 将系主任的批准邮件副本保存为PDF文件. (To do this select “Print” then “Destination > PDF” in Outlook)
  • Note: If your Department Chair does not approve your internship, you may not submit an application for the ECS Academic Internship.

4) Your Unofficial CSUF Transcripts

  • 从学生门户网站下载你的非官方成绩单,并将其保存为PDF格式
  • 学生必须达到最低GPA要求,并在ECS完成两个学期

5) Signed ECS Academic Internship Policy


Step 4: Recieve the Review Decision


ECS院长办公室将对您的申请进行最终审查,以批准或拒绝您的申请. (Please allow 2-8 weeks for the Dean's Office Review.)

If the application is approved, the student will receive a signed CICE Approval Form by email.

If the application is denied,该学生将被通过电子邮件通知拒绝的原因.

Step 5:  Enroll in EGGN 495

学生将收到电子邮件通知,该学生已经获得了egn 495的课程许可.

The student can enroll in EGGN 495 through the Student Portal. 请使用随许可证通知发送的适当课程编号. (The course number changes each semester.)

Students must select the “3 units” option when registering for EGGN 495.

在您注册了egn 495后,请等待24小时,以便在CICE完成注册 Welcome to CalStateS4 for CSU Fullerton.Opens in new window

Step 6: International Students - Apply for CPT

为了保持签证状态,国际学生必须填写并提交 CPT Request FormOpens in new window to receive work authorization for off-campus internships.

学生应联络国际学生服务办公室(ISS AdvisorOpens in new window ) with questions related to the CPTOpens in new window .

Please allow 2 weeks for CPT processing.

Step 7: Begin the Internship

After you enroll in EGGN 495, 你可以在CICE批准表上批准的日期开始在公司实习.

当你注册egn 495时,你不需要参加任何课程. However, 完成课程需要提交一份全面的期末论文(大约25页). 


学生将收到一份关于他们在EGGN 495学术参与的信级成绩.



Q: 如果我的实习需要超过120小时的工作,我可以接受超过3个单位?

A: Students may receive a maximum of 3 units of academic credit.

Q: Do I need to pay tuition for EGGN 495?

答:你将获得3个单位的学分,注册egn 495,必须支付3个单位的课程学费.

Q: Will the 3 units count toward my degree?

A:如果你是本科生,你将获得课程学分 may 根据系主任的批准计入你的学位完成. 请与部门核实egn 495学分将如何应用于您的泰坦学位审核(e).g. count as a Technical Elective). If you are a graduate student, 您将获得课程学分,但不会计入您的学位完成.

Q: Can I enroll in EGGN 495 after my internship is completed? /如果实习已经结束,我可以获得回溯学分吗?

A: You must enroll in EGGN 495 prior to the start of your internship. 你只能获得实习所在学期的学分.

Q: May I complete an internship without enrolling in EGGN 495?

答:如果你是国内学生,可以选修egn 495. If you are an international student, 您需要注册egn 495以维持您的F1/ J1签证状态.

Q: How may I learn more about Academic Internships?

A: Please review the ECS Academic Internship Policy. 学生也可以参加每学期举办的ECS学术实习信息交流会. 请参阅门户消息的信息会议日期和地点.